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University / College

Learning Objectives

At the end of this simulation, you will be able to:
  • Gain insight into the characteristics of light and the reasons behind the colorful nature of pigments.
  • Formulate a hypothesis and establish an experimental setup to evaluate it.
  • Comprehend the techniques for assessing the redox potential of the electron transport chain.
  • Interpret absorption spectra and draw meaningful conclusions from them.

How do virtual labs work?

Enhance students' involvement in science by immersing them in interactive learning scenarios. Create simulations for experiments, provide hands-on training in laboratory techniques, and convey theoretical concepts through captivating visual experiences to improve their overall long-term learning outcomes.

  • Access web-based simulations that are compatible with laptops, Chromebooks, tablets, and iPads, eliminating the need for software installation.
  • Incorporate a teacher dashboard for automated grading and monitoring of student progress.
  • Utilize embedded quizzes to assist students in mastering scientific content.
  • Comprehensive repository of educational materials, including learning resources, lab reports, videos, theory pages, graphics, and more.

Relevant Course Packages All Course Packages

Virtual Lab : Investigating the Immune System and Saving the World!

Ensuring global health is a shared duty. Immerse yourself as a pathogen infiltrating a body to uncover the mechanisms through which immune cells and organs offer defense. Explore the collaborative efforts of researchers worldwide in the quest to safeguard the planet against infectious threats.

Virtual Lab on Chemistry Safety: Understanding Hazard Symbols

Team up with lab assistant Marie to explore the process of determining appropriate laboratory procedures and selecting the necessary personal protective equipment for handling potentially dangerous chemicals. Grasp the significance of hazard symbols and put your understanding into practice with real-life examples of chemicals.

Virtual Lab: Creating Polymers from Cyclohexanol through Elimination Reactions

Collaborate with Kim in the Polymer Research Lab to decipher the mystery behind the unexpected formation of side products in their finely tuned cyclohexanol elimination reaction. Apply and extend your understanding of organic chemistry to address this challenge and restore the polymer production to its intended course.

Virtual Lab: Analytical Chemistry Skills Assessment through Purification and Separation of a Mixture

In this simulation, you will gain proficiency in employing various methods for isolating substances from a mixture. By leveraging the unique characteristics of each component, you will design and implement an experimental protocol to effectively segregate each compound.

Virtual Lab on Newtons First Law of Motion: Equilibrium and Unbalanced Forces

Journey back to the year 1687 and assist Newton in recollecting his first law of motion and its implications for objects at rest or in constant motion. Grasp the conditions under which two forces are either balanced or unbalanced, and conduct experiments involving his first law of motion in the realm of space.

Virtual Lab on Spectrophotometry: Understanding the Beer-Lambert Law through Absorbance Experiments.

Construct a personalized spectrophotometer for the purpose of measuring the absorbance of a reaction product while on Mars!

LMS Integration

imaginX seamlessly integrates with leading LMS (Learning Management Systems), enabling educators to track student performance and allowing students to maintain their work records. It is compatible with popular platforms such as Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, Google Classroom, Schoology, Sakai, Brightspace/D2L, and can also be used independently of an LMS.

Platform Features

Unlimited users faculty & students
Unlimited users faculty & students
Pedagogy Experts
Pedagogy Experts
Auto Grading
Auto Grading
LMS Integartion
LMS Integartion
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