imaginX is used by many amazing schools and universities

University / College

Learning Objectives

At the end of this simulation, you will be able to:
  • Clarify the process of trait inheritance from parents to offspring.
  • Construct a Punnett square to illustrate genetic outcomes.
  • Analyze and forecast the phenotypes of offspring based on provided genotypes using Punnett squares.

How do virtual labs work?

Enhance students' involvement in science by immersing them in interactive learning scenarios. Create simulations for experiments, provide hands-on training in laboratory techniques, and convey theoretical concepts through captivating visual experiences to improve their overall long-term learning outcomes.

  • Access web-based simulations that are compatible with laptops, Chromebooks, tablets, and iPads, eliminating the need for software installation.
  • Incorporate a teacher dashboard for automated grading and monitoring of student progress.
  • Utilize embedded quizzes to assist students in mastering scientific content.
  • Comprehensive repository of educational materials, including learning resources, lab reports, videos, theory pages, graphics, and more.

Relevant Course Packages All Course Packages

Virtual Lab - Human Influence on the Water Cycle

A property developer intends to transform a forest into an urban environment. Immerse yourself in the water cycle and simulate how human interventions can affect various hydrological processes.

Virtual Lab: Newtons Laws of Motion - Grasping Active and Passive Safety in Motorsports

Collaborate with a team of motorsport engineers to acquire a fundamental understanding of Newtons laws of motion. Grasp the essential principles of both passive and active safety when operating a high-performance race car.

Virtual Lab: Identifying Unknown Bacteria to Assist in Preventing an Epidemic Affecting Baby Kuppelfangs

Embark on a journey to the exoplanet Astakos IV, where the Kuppelfang population faces a bacterial infection crisis. Employ staining techniques, differential media, and biochemical tests to identify the responsible bacteria and help save the Kuppelfangs from extinction through timely treatment.

Virtual Lab: Designing Experiments

Take on the role of a pharmaceutical investigator to establish the connection between a novel drug and a recent outbreak. Employ the scientific method to formulate an experiment and conduct a fluorescent cell assay to assess your hypothesis.

Virtual Lab: Exploring Functional Groups and basic Chemical Tests

Embark on a mission with iXGenie to unravel the contents of the enigmatic painkillers that your friend Simon has acquired. Your objective is to determine the specific functional groups that this chemical compound should possess and conduct chemical examinations to confirm their presence.

Virtual Lab : Exploring the Immune Systems Organs and Cells

The immune system comprises intricate networks of cells, tissues, and organs collaborating to safeguard our bodies against infections. Delve into the intricate structures and roles of these guardians, which defend us against a multitude of pathogens on a daily basis!

LMS Integration

imaginX seamlessly integrates with leading LMS (Learning Management Systems), enabling educators to track student performance and allowing students to maintain their work records. It is compatible with popular platforms such as Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, Google Classroom, Schoology, Sakai, Brightspace/D2L, and can also be used independently of an LMS.

Platform Features

Unlimited users faculty & students
Unlimited users faculty & students
Pedagogy Experts
Pedagogy Experts
Auto Grading
Auto Grading
LMS Integartion
LMS Integartion
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