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University / College

Learning Objectives

At the end of this simulation, you will be able to:
  • Grasp the concept of the wave/particle duality of light and its role in elucidating various characteristics of electromagnetic radiation.
  • Utilize the principles of reflection and refraction to anticipate how light behaves when encountering boundaries or interfaces.

How do virtual labs work?

Enhance students' involvement in science by immersing them in interactive learning scenarios. Create simulations for experiments, provide hands-on training in laboratory techniques, and convey theoretical concepts through captivating visual experiences to improve their overall long-term learning outcomes.

  • Access web-based simulations that are compatible with laptops, Chromebooks, tablets, and iPads, eliminating the need for software installation.
  • Incorporate a teacher dashboard for automated grading and monitoring of student progress.
  • Utilize embedded quizzes to assist students in mastering scientific content.
  • Comprehensive repository of educational materials, including learning resources, lab reports, videos, theory pages, graphics, and more.

Relevant Course Packages All Course Packages

Virtual Lab: Ion Exchange Chromatography

Explore the operation and foundational principles of ion exchange chromatography while acquiring hands-on expertise in purifying a protein associated with Parkinsons disease. This practical experience will contribute to the study of the relationship between the protein and the disease.

Virtual Lab Exploration of Electrophilic Addition Reactions in Hydrocarbons

Embark on a reactivity reconnaissance expedition to Titan, delving into the mysteries of this hydrocarbon-rich world. Can you employ your understanding of electrophilic addition reactions to pinpoint hydrocarbons suitable for constructing an extraterrestrial colony on Titan?

Virtual Lab: Constructing Animal Cells

Assist in identifying the bears last meal by constructing the framework and selecting the internal organelles for the four fundamental types of animal cells located within the bears oral cavity.

Virtual Lab: Lipid Analysis Using the Sudan IV Test

Have you ever been curious about the nature of fats? Explore lipid structures and learn how to test for the presence of lipids in various food samples.

Virtual Lab: Cell Membrane and Transport Mechanisms - Discovering How Transporters Maintain Cell Health

Explore the composition and operation of cellular membranes by propelling cargo molecules towards a simulated cell. Employ the knowledge gained in the laboratory to enhance the well-being of artificial cells, which the principal investigator intends to utilize for insulin production.

Virtual Laboratory: Bacterial Identification and Differentiation Using the Gram Stain Method

Collaborate with medical professionals to uncover the pathogen responsible for a critically ill patient. Conduct a Gram stain analysis on a patient sample and utilize microscopy to detect the presence of bacteria, aiding in the selection of the appropriate antibiotic treatment.

LMS Integration

imaginX seamlessly integrates with leading LMS (Learning Management Systems), enabling educators to track student performance and allowing students to maintain their work records. It is compatible with popular platforms such as Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, Google Classroom, Schoology, Sakai, Brightspace/D2L, and can also be used independently of an LMS.

Platform Features

Unlimited users faculty & students
Unlimited users faculty & students
Pedagogy Experts
Pedagogy Experts
Auto Grading
Auto Grading
LMS Integartion
LMS Integartion
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