Our STEM catalog offers course packages designed to enhance the teaching of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Each simulation is developed specifically to match your STEM curriculum, providing students with immersive, real-world scenarios to deepen their understanding. With full LMS integration, faculty and students can easily access these simulations and track progress, all within your existing academic systems.

Showing 481 - 496 of 937 results

Virtual Lab: Exploring Muscle Tissues - An Overview

Virtual Lab: Exploring Muscle Tissues - An Overview

Delve into the examination of the three distinct types of muscle tissues in the human body, investigating their distribution and functions. Explore these tissues at the cellular level and delve deep into their molecular structures to unveil the intriguing mechanisms responsible for muscle contractions.

Virtual Lab on Next Generation Sequencing

Virtual Lab on Next Generation Sequencing

Acquire knowledge about the various stages involved in sample preparation, sequencing, data acquisition, and data interpretation through the utilization of next-generation sequencing technology.

Virtual Lab: Exploring Parkinsons Disease

Virtual Lab: Exploring Parkinsons Disease

Employ liquid chromatography for the purification of a protein associated with Parkinsons disease to gain insights into its underlying causes. Assess the effectiveness of a potential treatment molecule through confocal microscopy.

Virtual Lab: Polymerase Chain Reaction

Virtual Lab: Polymerase Chain Reaction

Master the methods and utilization of Polymerase Chain Reaction and Gel Electrophoresis. Engage in a practical scenario, like examining distinct genetic profiles to resolve a criminal investigation.

Virtual Lab: Introduction to Protein Synthesis

Virtual Lab: Introduction to Protein Synthesis

Delve into the architecture of proteins and gain insights into the cellular synthesis procedures.

Virtual Laboratory: Isolation and Purification of mRNA from Pig Samples

Virtual Laboratory: Isolation and Purification of mRNA from Pig Samples

Acquire the skills for isolating RNA from samples of pig adipose tissue and purifying messenger RNA through the use of magnetic beads.

Virtual Lab: Investigate the Mechanism of Action of a Diuretic Drug in Renal Physiology

Virtual Lab: Investigate the Mechanism of Action of a Diuretic Drug in Renal Physiology

Delve into the kidneys anatomy to unravel its diverse functions, while also investigating the mechanism behind a novel diuretic drug. This drug holds promise in averting hypertension.

Virtual Lab: Protein Separation Based on Molecular Weight Using SDS-PAGE

Virtual Lab: Protein Separation Based on Molecular Weight Using SDS-PAGE

Explore every aspect of SDS-PAGE, starting from the choice of gel and sample preparation, through chamber assembly, and delving into the intricate processes that occur when the current is activated. This procedure enables the separation of proteins based solely on their molecular weight, moving us closer to the identif

Virtual Laboratory: Understanding Sensory Transduction - Exploring the Mechanism Behind the Sensation of Pain Caused by Impact with a Rock

Virtual Laboratory: Understanding Sensory Transduction - Exploring the Mechanism Behind the Sensation of Pain Caused by Impact with a Rock

Gain insight into the fundamental processes of sensory transduction through a series of in vitro and in vivo experiments. Determine the suitable anesthetic medication that enables your friend to continue mountain climbing without compromising muscle function.

Virtual Lab: Exploring Cellular Communication through Signal Transduction

Virtual Lab: Exploring Cellular Communication through Signal Transduction

Explore the relationship between the growth of blood vessels and the progression of cancer, and apply this understanding to pinpoint a potential treatment for breast cancer.

Virtual Lab: Exploring the Muscles Involved in Walking and Running - Skeletal Muscle

Virtual Lab: Exploring the Muscles Involved in Walking and Running - Skeletal Muscle

Explore the characteristics of two distinct types of skeletal muscle and assess their fiber composition. Employ histochemistry and force transduction techniques to draw comparisons between these muscles and gain insights into why you can sustain energy during extended walks but experience fatigue during short sprints.

Virtual Lab: Tracing the Journey of a Skin Cell through Skin Layers and Organ Anatomy.

Virtual Lab: Tracing the Journey of a Skin Cell through Skin Layers and Organ Anatomy.

Accompany our researchers on a fascinating expedition within the Anatomy and Physiology Lab, as we explore the intricate layers of human skin! Uncover the remarkable capacity of your skin cells to specialize and unravel the dual role of hair as both adornment and defense.

Virtual Lab: Understanding Gut Contractions - Smooth Muscle

Virtual Lab: Understanding Gut Contractions - Smooth Muscle

Participate in a physiology laboratory to gain insights into the mechanics of smooth muscle contraction through various in vitro experiments. Additionally, assist your friend in pinpointing the source of her intestinal discomfort.

Virtual Lab on Solution Preparation: Transforming Salt into Solution

Virtual Lab on Solution Preparation: Transforming Salt into Solution

Partner with the skilled laboratory instructor, iXGenie, as you master the art of creating a challenging aqueous ammonium chloride solution with precision using an analytical balance. This solution is essential for a critical analysis your colleagues are conducting.

Virtual Lab: Constructing and Exploring Spectrophotometers

Virtual Lab: Constructing and Exploring Spectrophotometers

Construct your personalized spectrophotometer to uncover the method of measuring substances using light.

Virtual Lab on Spectrophotometry: Understanding the Beer-Lambert Law through Absorbance Experiments.

Virtual Lab on Spectrophotometry: Understanding the Beer-Lambert Law through Absorbance Experiments.

Construct a personalized spectrophotometer for the purpose of measuring the absorbance of a reaction product while on Mars!

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